
To my friends, family, and interested voters,

It has been an honor to serve you as a State Court Judge in Fulton County.

In State Court, I have presided over numerous criminal cases, including traffic violations, battery, shoplifting, and DUI, and a wide range of civil actions, including contract disputes, debt collection, auto accidents, and medical malpractice cases.

My twenty-five years of experience in various courts have taught me what Georgia’s litigants expect from our Courts.  It is a Judge who will hear matters without bias or prejudice. I have always listened to the facts of every case impartially, applied the law fairly, and revealed the truth honestly. If elected again, I will continue to do so.

Georgia’s laws protect everyone, from the humblest individual to the largest corporation. It is with these laws that we govern, live, and prosper. As a Judge, it is my duty to make sure that Georgia’s laws are applied fairly in every case before me.

I do not take for granted the trust that you have given me as a State Court Judge. With your continued support, I will work diligently to bring every case before me to an efficient and just resolution.

Thank you,

Jay M. Roth